without the hassle…
- Freelance writers for hire at most economical rate.
- 100% Original content custom written just for you
- Hire freelance writers with experience in your industry


Meet our thousands of brands hire our freelance writers…
3,000+ Writers Available
We’ve got 3,000+ professional freelance writers for hire in our talent pool. With real-world experience in almost any industry – from carpentry to coding (and everything in-between).
A.I Writer Matching
Your search stops here. We’ve developed an A.I that will automagically match you with a freelancer who’s got the style, tone, and experience required to write engagingly about your industry.
100% Original Content
Our writers only write original content. We’ve got multiple robust plagiarism checks in place for complete peace of mind. You’ll always own the exclusive rights to every word we write for you.
Writer Management
Our content managers will monitor deadlines, action rewrites, take care of quality control, and handle most of the other bureaucracy traditionally involved with hiring freelance writers for you.
Always A Good Fit
It’s rare that our clients feel like there’s not a good fit, but if it happens, you can let us know and we’ll find a new writer to create a new version of your content for you – free of charge.
Scalable Content
Our system has been purposely designed to be instantly scalable. We can work on projects of all sizes, from mom and pop shops to enormous enterprises, and everything in-between.
Your freelance writing dream team
Our developers have been hard at work creating an artificial intelligence called Panel Brain whose only purpose in life is to match our clients with one of the 3,000+ freelance writers we have for hire.
Panel Brain uses a whole heap of different factors to make his writer suggestions. At first, he’ll use things like relevant industry experience, writing style, and tone of voice to make his suggestions. The eligible writers then decide if they want to take your job.
However, it gets better. As time goes on, Panel Brain gets smarter.
Panel Brain learns from your feedback. This allows him to make more accurate writer suggestions in the future, and it also means that your content creation can be reliably scaled on demand.
We’re essentially magically creating a custom dream team of superstar writers for you behind the scenes.
(It’s as awesome as it sounds)
We hire writers, so you don’t have to.
Anyone who’s worked with freelance writers in the past knows about the seemingly endless management overheads that come with them.
Testing, training, hiring, firing, editing, paying, invoicing (and many other infinitives) are just part and parcel of hiring freelance writers – and trust us, at scale, it’s a full-time job.
We’ll assign you a content manager when you join us who’ll handle the boring bits of working with writers – so you can stick to the creative fun parts of the process.
They’re the ones who will be ensuring your writers meet deadlines. They’ll be manually checking the results of our various plagiarism and quality tools to ensure your content is up to our high standards, and they’ll ensure any edits or rewrites you request are handled smoothly and promptly too (amongst other things).
It’s their teamwork that makes our dream work. But unless you have a question, you’ll probably never even know these unsung heroes exist.
Collect your content
When your article has passed all of our checks, we’ll let you know via email.
If you’d like a few tweaks or changes (large or small) you can let your writer know with our inline commenting system. You can request an unlimited number of edits, an unlimited number of times, free of charge.
If the writer has completely missed the mark (which rarely happens) you can let us know and we’ll get a new writer to write a new article for you, free of charge. Your content manager will oversee the rewrite behind the scenes to ensure it gets actioned as a priority.
That being said, in the overwhelming majority of cases, our article writers hit the nail on the head the first time around and their content needs no amendments or rewrites whatsoever.
When you’re happy with your content, Panel Brain will ask for your feedback, which he will then use to improve his writer suggestions for your future jobs.
Awesome articles that are almost on autopilot, what more could you want?
You name it, we write it.
SEO Articles
Brilliant bloggers on demand
With over 3,000 freelance writers for hire, we’ve almost certainly got a blogger who can write engagingly about your industry.
However, writing content is only half the battle of running a successful blog.
Each month you need to source images, find topics to write about, research keywords, create briefs for writers, and then finally upload, format, and publish the content on your blog. Like many of our clients, you probably have other responsibilities that take priority.
That’s why we’ve created our blog management services to handle all of this for you (and more). They’re monthly subscriptions that include everything from suggesting topics to uploading and publishing your content on your blog. It’s true hands-free blogging.
Prefer a more flexible solution? Don’t want a subscription? No problem. You can order individual posts from us too.
Learn more about our blog writing services.
Pillar Content
Product descriptions to be proud of
We understand that for e-commerce sites there’s probably no other copy on your website as important as your product descriptions. As such, they need to be written by someone who knows what they’re doing, otherwise, you’re leaving money on the table.
Anyone can simply type up a list of features into a product description (and for simple products that can sometimes be enough). However, for most products, you’ll benefit from hiring a writer that knows the industry you’re in.
A writer who knows what they’re talking about will be able to understand the implications of a product’s USPs and the issues that they solve. They’ll know what “buttons” to press and they’ll know exactly how to press them. They’ll be constantly gently, and naturally nudging your readers towards a sale like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
With over 3,000 freelance writers for hire, we’ve almost certainly got someone with the experience required to write product descriptions in your industry.
Learn more about our product description writing services.
Blog Posts
Awesome articles
With the long-form detailed nature of article writing, it’s important to work with writers who know what they are talking about.
When you take a deep dive into a subject you get the chance to get into the nitty-gritty details. If a writer has no experience in the topic the content can sometimes sound fluffy, light, and lack any real substance. They might make valid points, but their content is not going to provide any kind of insight or engagement that someone familiar with the topic would be able to appreciate.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Our A.I will find you a freelance writer for hire that’s familiar with the subject you’re writing about – or at the very least someone who has experience in the same industry.
Don’t get us wrong, our writers use some “Google-fu” too.
But they’ll also make connections and references in their content that a writer without industry experience simply wouldn’t be able to make.
Learn more about our article writing services.
Wonderful website content
We think that it takes quite a bit of trust to hire a freelance writer to write your web pages.
This kind of content is “supposed” to be written by someone in your team. It’s more “official” and “direct” messaging compared to more informal content (for example on your blog or your news section).
Our freelance writers will obviously be a stranger to your brand at first, so you’re going to need to provide an overview of what points you want the writer to cover on each page (the more context the better). If you’ve already got existing content on your site that you simply want writing up by a professional that works too.
Once the writer has got an idea of what you’re all about, they’ll then research your brand, look at your existing messaging, and try to create content that’s going to slip seamlessly in with the other writing on your site.
It’ll almost feel like they’re part of your in-house team.
Learn more about our website content writing services.
Web Pages
Wonderful website content
We think that it takes quite a bit of trust to hire a freelance writer to write your web pages.
This kind of content is “supposed” to be written by someone in your team. It’s more “official” and “direct” messaging compared to more informal content (for example on your blog or your news section).
Our freelance writers will obviously be a stranger to your brand at first, so you’re going to need to provide an overview of what points you want the writer to cover on each page (the more context the better). If you’ve already got existing content on your site that you simply want writing up by a professional that works too.
Once the writer has got an idea of what you’re all about, they’ll then research your brand, look at your existing messaging, and try to create content that’s going to slip seamlessly in with the other writing on your site.
It’ll almost feel like they’re part of your in-house team.
Learn more about our website content writing services.
Well researched white papers
White papers are some of the longest, most detailed (and therefore costly) investments in content that brands make. However, despite this, marketers seemingly cannot get enough of them in their proverbial toolkit.
They’re an excellent digital asset that has a real sense of value. So much so that visitors are willing to hand over their precious contact information in exchange for them.
By their very nature, white papers are detailed pieces that dive into a specific section of your sector that go into detail. Accuracy is of the utmost importance, for better or worse, white papers are held to a far higher standard than regular website content.
With our 3,000+ freelance writers for hire, we’re highly likely to have someone that can write with the kind of depth and detail your whitepaper requires. Your writers will have an understanding of the subject beyond just what they can Google while researching.
It makes your white paper far more interesting, which also makes it far more effective.

Freelance writers for hire from just $3.40 / 100 words.
No hidden fees.
No nasty surprises.
Just great content.
Awesome content, from awesome writers.
Our technology is great, and our content managers are awesome, but without our 3,000+ freelance writers for hire – we’d be nothing. They’re the real stars of the show.
Sometimes freelancers find us, but most of the time we recruit writers while trying to fill in ever-narrowing gaps in our already vast range of writing expertise. They come from all works of professional life, from actors and accountants to zoologists and zoning engineers (really), and everything in between.
Their hiring process begins with a tough 9 stage test that puts them through their paces. We check their portfolios, their grammar, their understanding of plagiarism, and we follow up on any references that might be of interest.
After the 9 stage test, we put the few writers who pass through a tough written examination, asking them to create captivating (and creative) content on a rather bland prompt.
We find it’s the best way to separate the good from the bad. The best freelance writers get hired, the rest get rejected.
Only a few percent of applicants get this far. We hire the writers that make the grade and train them in how we like to do things. They’re then put on probation where we manually review all of their work.
We do this for every writer who joins us, so you don’t have to.